Signs of Bruxism

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Are you stressed? Don’t “keep a stiff upper lip”- at least not literally. You may end up grinding your teeth!

You may have heard the medical term for teeth grinding; it’s called bruxism. This condition is by nature unconscious, usually occurring during sleep. Stress can be a significant factor, but there are other contributing issues like alcohol and tobacco use, a malformed bite, or even a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea.

Bruxism can be difficult to detect by yourself. If you sleep with a spouse or partner, you may want to ask them to tell you if they see you grinding your teeth at night. You may also experience dull headaches, jaw soreness, or even have loose, sensitive or fractured teeth.

If you suspect that you do have bruxism, talk to Dr. Lisa Kirshenbaum before you come to any hard conclusions. If you are officially diagnosed, we hope you feel comfort in the fact that there are plenty of treatment options. We can fit you with a custom-made night guard to protect your teeth while you are sleeping. We may counsel you to take a muscle relaxant before bed. If the cause is stress-related, consider trying meditation, counseling or exercise.

Teeth grinding is actually most common in children. Thankfully, the habit is not typically harmful for them, due to their growing teeth and jaws. They usually outgrow it by adolescence. The risk factors for their condition vary from that of adults. It’s usually because of mouth irritation, allergies or misaligned teeth.

If you think you may be grinding your teeth, call 770-429-0955 to book an appointment with Dental Excellence of Kennesaw in Kennesaw, Georgia. We’re here to support you.

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