Why Brush Twice a Day?

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We’ve heard the same stuff out entire lives – that unless we brush twice a day our teeth will all rot and by the time we reach middle age we’ll have to eat nothing but soup and apple sauce.

Alright, that may be taking things a bit too far, but it’s true, right? We’re told that brushing twice a day is key to good oral. But why?
Our team at Dental Excellence of Kennesaw in Kennesaw, Georgia, has some answers.

Plaque removal

The most important part of brushing every day is that it removes plaque from your teeth, gums, and mouth. Plaque is simply the buildup of bacteria and other debris in your mouth that accumulates along your gum line, between teeth, and on the surface of your teeth themselves. Since plaque buildup is what leads to cavities and gum disease, removing it is imperative if you want to have a health mouth.

Enamel restoration

The other aspect of brushing twice daily is that it also helps restore your enamel. The enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth, and it acts a shield against tooth decay. However, if you don’t remove the plaque from it and use a toothpaste that’s designed to offer more in the way of enamel protection, you put your teeth at larger risk for decay.

Better overall health

Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, and is an indicator for how healthy the rest of your body is. If your mouth isn’t healthy, it’s hard to keep your systemic health up to par as well.

If you need more information or want to schedule an appointment, call today at 770-429-0955.

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